Robi Rahman

This is my website.
Content coming soon.

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Things I Can Do

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  • Write all the code
  • Stack small boxes
  • Read books and stuff
  • Drink much coffee
  • Lightning bolt
  • Shadow clone technique

A Few Hobbies

In my free time I enjoy bicycling, beekeeping, board games, stargazing, Super Smash Brothers, cooking, and ballroom dance. But I couldn't find pictures for those so here's some other stuff.


I am a competitive chess player rated about 1900 USCF. In 2016 I placed second in the Virginia college state championship. If you'd like to play, send me a challenge!

Ultimate frisbee

Exercise is never fun, except when someone throws a plastic disc and you're supposed to run and catch it. Sometimes people tell me to play real sports instead, like golf.

Contact Me

This form doesn't work yet! Someday I'll figure out SQL and turn the tables. Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus vestibulum blandit integer in curae ac faucibus integer non. Adipiscing cubilia elementum integer. Integer eu ante ornare amet commetus.